Demonstration experiment in transport company warehouse
In the following [Demand & Power Consumption Graph] values, not only values of refrigerators、but also other power consumption (lighting, machinery, office air conditioning, forklift etc.) are included.
“Miracle Coils” installed Date: March 22 to 26, 2012
“Each Measured value” is totalized for the period from the previous month 8th to the current month 7th. [For example, May value is the totalized value for the period from April 8th to May 7th. 】
Reduction of Demand
The graph of 2011 is before the installation of “Miracle Coil”.
Reduction of Power Consumption
The graph of 2011 is before the installation of “Miracle Coil”.
Energy saving effects of “Miracle Coil” introduced to the chiller
Measured power consumption
Estimates of Power Charge
calculation condition : 2 Units of Chiller (22kW/Unit)
Unit price of electricity : @21.55 Yen/kWh
Annual operating hours : 24hr x 365days x operating rates 70%