【Air conditioner & refrigerator】
It can be used for many commercial air conditioners and refrigerators, including office air conditioning, freezing / refrigerating warehouses, data centers and factories.
※(1)It is not applicable if the type of refrigerant is CO2 or ammonia.
※(2)Among them, “data centers” are reported to use about 66% of the electric energy for the cooling system. Therefore, we are advancing the installation of ”Miracle coils” to “data centers”, starting with a major auto parts manufacturer.
After the installation, you can experience the visible results immediately.
Japanese article「グリーンITが注目される本当の理由:データセンターで高まるエネルギーコスト」
(The real reasons for which Green IT is gaining attention: Energy cost rising in data centers)
Applicable to both water cooled and air cooled chillers
In addition, since the chiller has very high power consumption throughout the year, visible reductions will become available.
The following is comparison data of major pigment manufacturers in one hour.
※It is demonstration data under almost same environmental load. By watching the graph above, it can be seen that the peak of the coil line is about 25% lower than the normal line in the same 1 hour time
If you install the coil in the chiller unit, not only reduction of total power consumption and CO2 emission, but also peak power (demand) reduction is achievable. Therefore, it is useful for lowering the basic charge of electricity.